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Greenwood Lassie League

Greenwood Lassie League



What is the GLL mailing address?
PO Box 624

Greenwood, IN 46142


What is the GLL email address?

[email protected]

When is registration?

Registration for the Spring Season typically begins January 1 and ends in at the end of March.  Please visit our website for specific registration dates.

What if we missed registration?
If you missed registration, there is a late registration process.  Please contact us by email for more information and availability.  Please make every attempt to sign up in person or online during the designated registration period.

When are games scheduled?
The Spring Season typically kicks off in April and runs through mid June. 

Do we play on weekends? 
Every attempt is made to not schedule any games on Saturday or Sunday. There are two Saturdays (April 26 and May 10)  with scheduled games for the 2025 Spring Season. Teams may opt to have practices on Saturdays or Sundays, as most fields are available. 

What is included with my registration? 
Players will receive a jersey and socks.

What is the refund policy?
Registration fees are refundable to the date of the draft (which varies from year to year) and not refundable thereafter.  Registration fees are non-transferable.  

Why does GLL do background checks on all coach and assistant coach volunteers? 
In order to protect the safety of our children we process all coaches and assistant coaches using a limited background check (criminal and sex offender). 

When are Player Evaluations? 
Player Evaluations for all divisions except 6U, and they are typically held in mid March. 

What are Player Evaluations? 
A Player Evaluation is a method for measuring the skill of a player. This allows each coach to assess each player’s potential and make an informed decision as they assemble teams during the draft process. 

What is the "Draft"?   (Spring Season Only)
The draft process is a method in which the coaches select their teams. During a division draft, each Coach is given a list of eligible players from which to select. Selection is made in a "serpentine process" where Coach #1 picks a player, then Coach #2 and so on until the last coach has picked a player. This ends a "draft round" and the process reverses, with the last coach starting the next round. This continues until all teams have selected a pre-determined amount of players. 

What if I, as a parent, want my player on a specific team?
All players are drafted. We recognize that special circumstances may require players to play together. These will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

What if I don't attend Player Evaluations? 
Players that do not participate in Player Evaluations are restricted to which division they may play.  8 year olds will play in Coach Pitch 8U.  9 and 10 year olds will play in 10U.  11 and 12 year olds will play in 12U.  Ages 13 through 18 in Seniors. All Division players who do not attend tryouts will be selected by hat-pick only.

We are an entirely volunteer-run operation – meaning we are not backed or funded by a school, church, or government organization. We always need YOUR help in any way you feel comfortable doing so. Whether you sign up to coach, work concessions, help out at a field day event, or work on the board, your help is what will make GLL better every year. We will be requiring volunteers from every team to help with the concession stand.


Greenwood Lassie League
PO Box 624 
Greenwood, Indiana 46142

Email: [email protected]

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